Vision Statement
We are an aspirational place where learners grow.
Our school is kind and happy and we respect and celebrate the differences in ourselves, our community and our world.
Our children become responsible, determined and independent citizens.
We believe that children have a RIGHT to receive excellent teaching, to enable them to access outstanding learning.
Our teaching is planned and crafted so that all learners make the best possible progress and learn to their full capability.
We endeavour to develop within our pupils a love of learning which will remain with them for life and design learning experiences and opportunities in order to foster this.
In order to deliver an outstanding quality of education we ensure that:
Teachers have good knowledge of the subjects they teach.
We achieve this through quality CPD, INSET days and Teaching and Learning meetings. Teachers work on planning together and have supportive relationships. Using lesson study and effective middle leadership teachers help each other develop skills and knowledge. Lessons are vocabulary rich and we have high expectations regarding staff knowledge. Teaching assistants also receive regular CPD linked to their roles. All staff are expected to be proactive in seeking CPD they need.
Teachers present subject matter clearly, promoting appropriate discussion about the subject matter being taught.
Teachers use clear outcomes that are shared with pupils and reviewed through the lesson. Pupil talk is promoted in lessons and there is an appropriate balance of teacher talk/ pupil talk.
Well targeted questioning promotes discussion and furthers understanding. Pupils should always be clear about what they are learning and why.
Teachers check pupils’ understanding systematically, identifying misconceptions accurately and provide clear, direct feedback.
Within lessons teachers and teaching assistants are constantly checking pupils’ understanding through questioning and monitoring progress in lessons. They use mini plenaries and on the spot interventions where needed. In planning, key groups of vulnerable pupils (Pupil Premium, SEND, Prior High attainers) are identified and their progress within a lesson carefully monitored. Skilful questioning is a feature of every lesson.
Feedback is clear and highlights successes and next steps. It is given either verbally or written, as appropriate, and time is given for pupils to respond. Pupils are also taught to self and peer assess work so that they can develop life long independent skills.
Over the course of study, teaching is designed to help pupils to remember long term the content they have been taught and to integrate new knowledge into larger ideas.
Individual lessons and groups of lessons are planned carefully with the clear purpose that pupils retain knowledge. This means knowledge is revisited over lengthening time periods and links between new and existing knowledge are explicitly taught. Quizzes, starters, knowledge organisers and displays are some of the tools used to reinforce this. Time in lessons is used effectively to promote learning and the environment is designed to encourage pupils’ independence.
Teachers use assessment well, for example to help pupils embed and use knowledge fluently, or to check understanding and inform teaching.
Assessment happens in many different forms in school. After marking work, teachers record those needing further input. Testing is used primarily to identify gaps in understanding which are then addressed. Basic skills (primarily spelling and tables) needed in each year group are assessed regularly. The use of assessment packages, such as Tapestry, help teachers track statements to teach and those needing further revisiting.
Summative assessment data is collected termly and this forms the basis of whole staff discussions and discussions in Pupil Progress meetings each half term.
Teachers create an environment that allows the learner to focus on learning. The resources and materials that teachers select reflect our ambitious intentions for the course of study and clearly support the intent of a coherently planned curriculum, sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for future learning and employment.
We build good relationships with pupils and encourage them to strive for their best. Displays and working walls support pupils’ learning and celebrate their successes. Pupils have input into the direction their learning takes, within the constraints laid down by the teacher, and they are encouraged to study independently. Teaching resources are selected to provide a high level of challenge, whilst maintaining support for those who need it. There are planned opportunities to revisit and review and small steps in learning are linked to the “big picture”. Our curriculum approach across school, combined with our positive growth mind-set, enables pupils to achieve their best.
Within our planning vulnerable groups are highlighted and their learning supported by appropriate adaptations. A detailed and coherent curriculum, fit for the needs for our pupils, guides the way we teach. ( for further detail see the curriculum policy) Yearly curriculum planning days for the whole staff inform our direction and lead to a broad and balanced curriculum with clear links to our vision. A variety of approaches of teaching are used through the week – visual stimulus, open ended questioning, audio visuals, concrete learning, active learning, individual, paired and group work. Our teaching takes into account the needs of all groups of learners, (boys, girls, disadvantaged pupils, pupils with special educational needs or disabilities, (SEND), prior high attainers, learners with English as an additional language (EAL), learners with social and emotional needs, looked after children and all other specific needs). Any specific barriers to learning are addressed so that all pupils can make the best progress.
A rigorous approach to the teaching of reading develops learners’ confidence and enjoyment in reading. At the early stages of learning to read, reading materials are closely matched to learners’ phonics knowledge.
Reading is a key skill that is developed in every lesson. Systematic early teaching of phonics and reading skills takes place and all opportunities to develop reading across school are exploited. Every class has a class novel they have read to them on a daily basis; every class has a daily reading practice, either guided by a trained staff memeber or individual reading for pleasure. Our expectation is that pupils read at home for 20 minutes at least three times a week and their progress through the reading scheme is closely monitored. Those who do not achieve the expected standard in phonics receive intervention until their knowledge is secure.
Vocabulary development is a key feature of teaching across school and displays in class reflect this.
The delivery of high quality teaching and learning is monitored by the SLT on a regular basis through lesson observations, book scrutinies, learning walks, pupils’ conversations, and data tracking.
Subject leaders are also responsible for monitoring the teaching of their subjects, ensuring delivery of a high standard and completing and fulfilling action plans linked to the development of their subject.
Pupil outcomes are tracked and analysed; all staff take responsibility for outcomes. Teaching and learning, and outcomes, are also monitored by the governor pupil outcomes group.