Children in Need Nov 2020

Friday, 13 November, 2020 (All day)

Somehow, someway we continued to support Pudsey and his friends this year.

The classrooms were  buzzing with Children in Need activities and Miss Ibbotson took loads of photos! To celebrate the day everyone came dressed as a keyworker this year so the school was full of nurses, doctors, teachers, dentists, teachers, firefighters, police officers ... and one small tooth fairy!

We are  aware that times are tough so didn't asked for more donations but inevertheless our kind fmailies raise £196 for Pudsey and his pals. The teachers were only very slightly disappointed that the now infamous ‘I’m a Teacher Get me out of here’ has had to be postponed. Apparently  it will be back ‘bigger and messier’ next year; a phrase I am sure which has stuck fear into the hearts of all of them!