New Starters September 2024

A very warm welcome to Early Years at Sutton CP School! We are often asked how parents can best prepare their children for school, so here are a few suggestions.

Many of the children in our Early Years classes have attended a pre school setting, so they are used to taking part in activities with groups of children and other adults. They will be familiar with routines and hopefully their transition into school will be straightforward.

However, it is important that you familiarise your child with the idea of moving onto school and meeting new adults and children. This should be communicated as an exciting experience with many new and adventurous activities to come.

Lots of the activities that they will encounter at school will be familiar to them and some will be different. Your child will be taking part in transition activities to help them settle into school and we encourage you to take part in as many as you can to make this as smooth as possible. We can not wait to meet you all. 

Attached are some leaflets with important information about starting school.

The Early Years Team.