Year 2

Year 2 is taught by Mrs Payne and supported by Mrs Devlin from Monday to Wednesday and Mrs Broughton on Thursday and Friday mornings. The class will be taught by Mrs Riley and Miss Ibbotson on a Monday afternoon.

Phonics, English, Reading Practice, Mastering Number and Maths are taught during the morning which leaves our afternoons open to explore the rest of the curriculum.


PE will be on a Monday and Wednesday this year. It is very important that you come to school in your PE kit on these days. Please ensure you have a white T shirt, black shorts/track suits and trainers. You may also want a purple hoody for when we are outside.

Home Learning

Children will have weekly spellings to practice linked to tricky words, the common exception words and/or any new spelling rules we learn about during the year. 

Spelling tests are on Monday mornings. 

Reading Books

Please continue to listen to your child read. Children will bring a new reading book home every Friday and it must be returned the following Friday so that a new book can be sent home. Children will continue to move through the Little Wandle reading books whilst in Year 2 until they have reached the end of the scheme. They will then choose books at their reading level from our library. 

Summer Term 

In Summer 1 our main maths focuses are mass, capacity and temperature and a topic on fractions. We will be finishing our learning about materials in science and then moving on to learn about plants. In history we will be learning all about the history of our local area. We will be completing some paper sculpture work in art. 

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