

At Sutton in Craven CP we deliver a high-quality art and design curriculum that aims to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Our focus is on the creative journey the pupils undertake, developing their skills by giving them a range of materials and contexts to work within and encouraging them to try out new things. We want to equip all our pupils with the knowledge and skills to experiment through their art. Lessons will offer the chance for pupils to develop their emotional expression through art to further enhance their personal, social and emotional development. We will give opportunities for pupils to think critically about the work from a range of artists and want our pupils to appreciate art and design in its many different forms. Our aim is that pupils to develop their skills and confidence so that they can produce pieces they are proud of.


Teachers plan lessons using our Long Term Progression Document to ensure skills, knowledge and  understanding build year on year. The lessons aim to be inspiring and exciting, stimulating and relevant to the children’s interests and enthusiasms. They ensure children can build on their skills within a project to produce an individual and creative response to the stimuli provided.

Each term teachers inspire the children to explore and extend their skills, knowledge and  understanding in different areas across drawing, painting, printing and sculpture/3D. Teachers will recognise that in developing children’s individuality it is important to proceed flexibly  to enhance the children’s creativity. 

Sketch books are used across school to explore and investigate ideas, media, and techniques to develop observational drawings and representations of imaginary worlds. By annotating sketches, the older children will begin to use sketchbooks to map out their responses. 

Children will learn about a range of artists, designers and crafts people, art movements and styles  across time and cultures. Links will be made to their own projects but children will also study an  artist in depth and use their observations and understanding to inspire their own art work. 


We believe impact of our curriculum will stimulated and excited children to express themselves across a range of art activities. They will bring to their art work the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to express themselves  creatively. They will confidently explore and take risks having fun trying out new and innovative  ideas and learn to develop their ideas across a pathway of carefully planned, engaging projects. 

Sketch books and school displays will celebrate the children’s work and give opportunities to share, discuss and enjoy the children’s creativity. These provide opportunities to evaluate the impact of the work across the year, understand the skills progression and the impact of the Art curriculum on the the children’s creative development at Sutton. 

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