Religious Education

Religious Education (RE) is an important curriculum subject and a key component of a broad, balanced and rich curriculum. 


Our vision at Sutton CP is of a community where people of different beliefs and religions live side by side, displaying mutual respect, understanding and friendship. It is essential that our children and young people are supported in developing these qualities and, whilst growing in confidence, achieve a level of critical awareness that helps them to become builders and shapers of a better world. 

RE, through our teaching, will encourage and enable pupils to explore their own and other people’s beliefs, values and traditions in meaningful and engaging ways. It will encourage pupils to share their diverse range of experiences and grow individually and together with sensitivity and respect towards people of all faiths and none. 


We follow the North Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus for RE which provides many opportunities for our children to challenge stereotypical views and to appreciate difference positively. The syllabus enables all pupils to consider the impact of people’s beliefs on their actions and ways of life. The syllabus contributes to pupils’ personal development and the schools’ provision for spiritual, moral, spiritual and cultural development (SMSC) and British Values. It provides a key context to develop children and young people’s understanding and appreciation of diversity, to promote shared values and to challenge all forms of racism and discrimination. Increasing diversity and pluralism is part of the demographic picture, and the wider region is home to many diverse and active faith communities. We are educating children in their own locality, but also to live in a wider region, the UK and as world citizens.


By following the North Yorkshire agreed syllabus and incorporating our own flexible, interactive and engaging teaching we hope to provide our children with an understanding of the importance and value of religious education, helping them to respect and celebrate the differences in ourselves, our community and our world.

Our teaching promotes the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils. It exposes children to other cultures and viewpoints and allows them to gain an understanding of some of the key religions represented in Britain. Our teaching enables pupils to acquire knowledge and understanding of religious beliefs, attitudes, practices and rituals. They will also develop their own beliefs and values and be able to express these confidently whilst remaining considerate and respectful of others. They will also be aware that some people have no attachment to religious beliefs and follow alternative philosophies and world views.

Religious education is integral in creating a broad and balanced curriculum and provides children with the opportunity to learn about the world and other people's beliefs and experiences, allowing children to become open minded, independent and confident thinkers that enjoy engaging with challenging questions and learning new things.