Teaching & Learning 1617

Hello everyone and welcome to the teaching and learning group. This year, our team consists of three adults and twelve children, who are mainly from year 6 with 1 child from year 4 and 1 from year 5.


Over the years, the teaching and learning group have been responsible for monitoring different initiatives in school. When our school was thinking about the format of assemblies the group visited another school and collected ideas for this. Also  three years ago, the group monitored the traffic around school to see that people weren’t parking in the wrong place or travelling too fast so our pupils were kept safe. They won national recognition for their work in this area. The group has also monitored our new maths scheme and compared it with another school who were also using the same scheme.

This year we are  hoping to find out information about some of the global goals and feed this back to the other children in school and by doing this we will try to make everyone aware of the wider world and community, to help us understand how we are the same but also different to other citizens of the world! Once again the teaching and learning group will generate two big questions for the school to consider with the help of our friend Adele from cliks.

Love from everyone in the Teaching and Learning Group.