Urban Pioneers

Curriculum Focus Art & Design
English Leaflets; Free Verse Poetry; Autobiography; Email; Signs and Slogans
Art & Design Photography; Graffiti Art; Observational Drawing
Computing Digital Maps; Programming; Audio Recording; Using Search Engines Effectively
Geography Geographical Skills & Fieldwork
History A Local History Study
Maths Data Handling
PSHCE Being Safe; Presenting own Opinions
Science Light & Dark; Sources & Reflectors; Shadows; Sun Safety; Working Scientifically

Hop on the bus and take a trip downtown, where the lights are bright and every street has a story to tell.

Explore with fresh eyes the art of the city, and then capture a moment in time – perhaps a reflection on a building or a shadow passing by. Make a map of your hometown and find out how things have changed. Has time change town life for the better?

How could you improve the urban environment? Maybe add more colour? More light? More things to do or perhaps a plaza with a comfortable bench or two?

Or maybe, like Emil, the city astounds you with its sights and sounds and people rushing by.

Now light up the city with creations of your own … a statue, a light show, a monument or street art. The possibilities are endless so what will you choose?

You’re an urban pioneer … so get ready to go!