Are you interested in becoming a School Governor?

The work of our Governors affects most aspects of the school’s work. They establish, with the Headteacher, aims for the school, and approve policies for the curriculum, behaviour and discipline . They are responsible for the school’s budget and the use and maintenance of the premises. More generally, they are expected to be in touch with the local community and to help guide the school to meet the community’s educational needs. Governors are also expected to help the school explain to the community what the school is working to achieve for their children.

More information about the work of our Governors can be found on the school website or from the Governor Support & Communications Team, County Hall, Northallerton, tel. 01609 532936, e-mail

What skills do Governors need?

Membership of the GB requires a focus on a range of skills, experience and interests; this could include: * Leadership experience in education, governance or another sector * Communication with a variety of audiences * Innovation, research * Financial management * Personnel management * Special educational needs /disability * Buildings and maintenance * Health and safety * Marketing * Literacy, maths or other curriculum interests What is the role of a governing body? Establishing the strategic direction, by: * Setting the vision, values and objectives for the school * Agreeing the school improvement strategy with priorities and targets * Meeting statutory duties Ensuring accountability by: *Monitoring progress towards targets *Carrying out the Performance Management of the head teacher *Engaging with stakeholders e.g. parents, staff and children. * Contributing to school self-evaluation * Ensuring financial probity, by: * Setting the budget * Monitoring spending against the budget * Ensuring value for money is obtained * Ensuring risks to the organisation are managed

The governors, together as a body, have a range of legal responsibilities; being a governor is an important commitment and the Local Authority and school will provide induction training.

What is expected of governors?

* To acknowledge that accepting office as a governor involves the commitment of significant amounts of time and energy. * To strive to work as a team in which constructive working relationships are actively promoted. * To observe complete confidentiality when matters are deemed confidential or where they concern specific members of staff or pupils, both inside or outside school * To accept collective responsibility for all decisions made by the board or its delegated agents. This means that we will not speak against majority decisions outside the governing board meeting.

Please see this link from North Yorthshire County Council for more information.