Year 3

Welcome to Year 3, I hope you all had a lovely time over the summer holidays!

We have an exciting first half term ahead for Year 3!

In Maths we will be looking at place value.
In English we will be starting to look at understanding different genres, developing fluent reading and writing fiction and non-fiction. 
In Science we will be starting a new topic of animals including humans.
In History this half term we will be exploring the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.
In French we will cover the topic of 'getting to know you'.
In RE we are going to be learning about Hinduism.
In Computing we are looking at computing systems and networks.
In Art this half term Year 3 will be looking at drawing. 
In P.E. Y3 will start with dance for indoor P.E. and football in outdoor P.E.
In Music Y3 will be learning the glockenspiel!
In PSHE Y3 are going to cover the topic of 'me and my relationships' and the zones of regulation. 

Our P.E. days this term will be Thursdays and Fridays, so please come in P.E. kits on those days. 

Miss Silver and Miss Dwyer

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