Welcome back and Happy New Year! I hope you all had a lovely time over Christmas!
We have another exciting half term ahead for Year 3!
In Maths we will continue to work through our multiplication and division topic.
In English we will continue to look at understanding different genres, developing fluent reading and writing fiction and non-fiction.
In Science we will be starting a new topic of plants.
In Geography this half term we will be looking at Rivers and Coasts.
In French we will continue looking at the topic of food.
In RE we are going to be learning about prayer.
In Computing we are looking at touch typing.
In Art this half term Year 3 will be looking at colour and painting.
In P.E. Y3 will be doing netball and hockey.
In Music Y3 will look at African music.
In PSHE Y3 will look at the topic 'Keeping Safe' and will also continue learning about the zones of regulation.
Our P.E. days this term are now on a Monday and a Friday so please come in P.E. kits on those days.
The book we will be reading this half term is Podkin One Ear.
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