At Sutton in Craven Community Primary, we recognise the importance of helping children to develop an understanding of the lifelong benefits of physical activity. We aim to inspire them with a love of sport so that they can live healthy, active lives.
It is our intention to build a curriculum that enables children to develop knowledge, skills and vocabulary in a broad range of sporting activities.
Our aim is that all children should experience a fun, high-quality physical education curriculum that places importance on healthy competition against themselves or other children, as well as developing values and transferable life skills such as teamwork, tolerance, fairness and respect.
We want all children to develop and improve the fundamental skills needed to access all physical activity such as invasion games, gymnastics or dance. Children will understand the importance of healthy competition against either themselves (personal best) or other children, the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle and the role that physical activity plays in achieving this, how to swim, basic survival skills in water and life skills such as team work, independence and resilience.
We recognise the importance of physical development in the Early Years Foundation Stage as a key area of learning.
Children in the EYFS access time and space to enjoy physical play daily in the outdoor learning area where they get the opportunity to develop their gross and fine motor skills. As part of the EYFS curriculum they learn that exercise is an important way of keeping healthy. In the spring term, children also access specific physical development through timetabled PE lessons in Reception (in preparation for Year 1) which give the children the opportunity to learn and practise fundamental movement skills. They participate in activities where they can practise moving safely, in different ways and at different speeds; balancing; rolling; throwing balls and bean bags; catching and kicking. They also begin to develop early skills in dance, athletics and relay games ready for sports day..
In KS1, children are taught two, one hour long PE sessions a week teaching a variety of games, dance or gymnastics. Children build on the fundamental skills taught in EYFS and aim to master basic skill movements such as running, throwing, jumping and catching as well as beginning to develop balance, agility and coordination. Children are introduced to team games as well as individual sports. Basic tactics are introduced to the children as well as competitive sports whether that be competing against other children, teams or themselves.
In KS2, children are also taught two, one-hour long PE sessions a week teaching a variety of games, dance, gymnastics, Swimming (Year 4) or outdoor adventurous activities. Children will learn how to apply all skills taught throughout their school journey in isolation and combination. They develop an understanding of how to improve, evaluate themselves and others and recognise their own success. There is a bigger focus on competition against themselves or other children. Children are also provided with swimming lessons in Year 4 to allow them to meet the objectives outlined in the National Curriculum.
Key Stage 2 classes regularly compete in Intra School competitions where they can compete against their peers in different sports.
PE is adapted when necessary to ensure it is fully inclusive and all children are engaged. Throughout KS1 and KS2, class teachers and a specialised PE HLTA follow the PE long term plan. The aim of this is to see a clear progression of skills throughout their school journey. At the end of the year, there are separate, EYFS, KS1 and KS2 Sports Day where parents are invited in to support their children.
As well as this, the school is part of the South Craven sports partnership which entitles us to regularly compete against other schools in the area, attend events aimed to inspire non-active and SEND pupils, staff CPD and receive support with regards to the spending of Sports Premium. Sutton-in-Craven is currently achieving Gold Standard in the Schools Games Mark. We also provide a variety of after school clubs with a range of different sports covered.
Children leave school having a love of sport and physical activity both in and out of school, with this continuing into later life. Children will have worked on their own aspirations in relation to PE and this will be carried on after leaving KS2, with children continuing to participate for enjoyment or competitively. All children should be able to discuss the importance of a healthy lifestyle and how this is achieved as well as developed skills that underpin life such as teamwork, sportsmanship, self-motivation, resilience and independence.