We are an aspirational place where learners grow. Our school is kind and happy and we respect and celebrate the differences in ourselves, our community and our world. Our children become responsible, determined and independent citizens.
We celebrate the individuality of all our pupils and as such we know we need to provide effective challenge and support to enable them to realise their full potential, both academically and socially. Our Inclusion policy sets out in detail how we plan this provision irrespective of ability, race or gender.
North Yorkshire Council have published their Local Offer for children and families from ages 0-25.
This outlines the services and resources that are available for children and young people with SEND in North Yorkshire, if the level of need is beyond that which can be met within the day to day resources of the GP, School etc.
We hope that this information and link will enable parents and carers to make informed choices about how to seek additional support.
The local offer will provide information on a range of services and provision, including:
• Special educational provision
• Health provision
• Social care provision
• Other educational provision
• Training provision
• Arrangements for children and young people to travel to schools, colleges and early years education
• Preparing for adulthood, including housing, employment and leisure opportunities
In addition, please remember that we very much value our partnerships with parents and other agencies, so please do not hesitate to contact Miss Baldwin, Inclusion Leader and SENCO, who may be also be able to help you find additional information and support.
Children at Sutton CP are assessed regularly, both informally and formally, to ensure that they are making at least the expected level of progress. If we have any concerns about your child's progress, rest assured we will discuss this with you. Likewise, if you have concerns, please come and share them with us, so we can move forward together.
You can access information about wider resources and the support of other parents through PACT.
More detailed information relating to our SEN provision can be found in the information report below.
Our SEND Information Report (currently being updated) outlines information regarding the ways in which we provide support for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
Useful Websites for Parents and carers:
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families-Mental Health
Speech and Language resources for families and schools
Bradford District Care Children’s Services
ASD - Strategies to support behaviour at home
Self regulation strategies to support children in school and at home