Welcome to Year 1 which is taught by Miss Dean and supported by Mrs Ward. Miss Ibbotson and Mrs Riley also teach in Year 1 on a Monday.
Summer Term
We are looking forward to many exciting activities, this term, in Year 1.
In the morning our first job is to practise our phonics during a phonics lesson. We then go for a run around the back playground to give our bodies a movement break.
Then we are back into class for the rest of the morning where we do NCTEM Mastery Number and Reading Practise.
We learn maths in an afternoon. We are using the White Rose Maths scheme in school this year in our Maths lessons. We are also learning how to be really confident in number using the NCTEM Mastery Number resources.
Foundation subjects:
Science – We are continuing our learning about Plants and Animals Including Humans
History – We are going to be learning about The Great Fire of London
Art – We will be using a variety of materials to create pictures and 3D models of the Great Fire of London
Music – Listening and singing and the Lark Ascending (BBC Ten Pieces)
PSHCE – We will be learning about how to be the best we can be and looking ourselves using the SCARF resources
Computing – Spreadsheets and technology outside the classroom
PE - PE will be on Mondays and Wednesdays this half term
Home Learning
Please practise the phonics sounds sent home as this is really important in supporting your child to pass the phonics screening check.
Reading books should be returned on a Wednesday so that a new one can be sent home, thank you!
Kind regards,
Miss Dean and Mrs Ward :)
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