Our School Governors are at the heart of our school leadership.
Their responsibilities include:
- The school's provision for pupils
- The performance of the school
- The strategic development of the school
- Managing the school budget
- Supporting the appointment of senior staff
How do they do this?
The Governors carry out their responsibilities through: Full Governing Body Meetings, Governor Leadership Group Meetings and monitoring visits to school.
The Full Governing Body meet a minimum of three times a year. Governors focus their work through two strands.
Structure and Remit
1. Full Governing Body
This group meets a minimum of 3 times a year and is responsible for:
- Monitoring school performance against strategic objectives
- Ratifying the school budget
- Ratifying statutory school policies
2. Pupil Outcomes Group
This group meets termly and has leadership responsibility for
- Monitoring pupil attainment and achievement
- Monitoring additional school funding - e.g. pupil premium grant, SEND budget, sports premium
3. Business Group
This group meets termly and has leadership responsibility for
- Health and safety and associated policies
- Safeguarding and associated policies, safeguarding audit, single central record
- HR with reference to safer recruitment practices
- School Site
- Finance
- Website Compliance
Co-opted Governors
Co-opted Governors are invited to join by the Governing Body. Co-opted Governors are usually a member of the local community and may well have been involved in business locally or bring some additional expertise to the Governors. They serve a 4 year membership.
- Mr Paul Mason - term of office: from 9 July 2023 until 8 July 2027 - Vice Chair of Governors, Chair of School Business Group
- Mr Stuart Barrick - term of office: from 10 March 2024 until 9 March 2028 - School Business Group, Safeguarding Governor
- Mr David Kirk - term of office: from 14 March 2023 until 13 March 2027 - Pupil Outcomes Group, SEND Governor
- Mr James Clarke - term of office: 14 March 2023 until 13 March 2027 - Business Group
- Giles Atkinson - term of office: 16 January 2024 until 15th January 2028
Local Authority Governors
The LA appoints these Governors - anyone can apply to the LA to become an LA Governor. LA Governors serve a 4 year membership.
- Mr David Smith - term of office: 24 November 2020 until 23 November 2024 - Chair of Governors, Chair of Pupil Outcomes Group
Staff Governors
Staff and teacher Governors are elected by and represent the support & teaching staff of the school and serve a 4 year membership.
- Mrs Yvette Wallace - term of office: 12 October 2023 until 11 October 2027 - Pupil Outcomes Group.
Headteacher Governor
The Headteacher is a Governor whilst in service at the school.
- Mrs Anna Riley
Parent Governors
Parent Governors will have a child at school and are elected by parents. They then serve a 4 year membership, even if their child leaves. Parent Governors are on the Governing Body to represent their own view as a parent as opposed to being a conduit for the views of other parents.
- Sana Jamil - term of office: from 19th May 2022 until 18th May 2026 - Pupil Outcomes Group
Clerk to the Governors
The clerk assists the Governing Body in planning their strategic support of the Senior Leadership Team and records minutes of all Full Governing Body meetings. All minutes are available on request.
- Gillian Ledgard
Relevant Business and Pecuniary interests of governors.
- Mr Stuart Barrick Related to member of school staff
- Mr David Smith Business Manager of Education Consultancy
Governors who have left in the last 12 months.
- Rachel Gray (Co-opted Governor) term of office: 19th May 2021 until 3rd May 2023
- Mr Matt Sugden - term of office: from 11 January 2021 until 16 September 2023
- Mrs Mandy Ward - term of office: 9 Apr 2023 until 11th October 2023
- David Slater - term of office: from 21st February 2023 until 3rd October 2023
Are you interested in becoming a school governor?
Governor attendance
Please see attached pdf document.