Welcome to Y4
Year 4 is taught by Miss Baldwin (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and Mr Clayton (Thursday and Friday) supported by Miss Riley & Mrs Devlin
We are looking forward to many exciting activities, this term in year four.
Most mornings our first job is to go to the park and do our daily mile run/walk. This really helps both our physical and mental health and being active is one of the five ways to wellbeing.
Then we are back into class for maths, timetables practice, spelling activites, writing and reading practice.
Our whole class novel this term is The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DeCamillio
Our PE days this term will be every Tuesday and Thursday; we will try to have our sessions outside as often as possible, so please ensure you have the correct clothing for colder days and trainers are best for the MUPA. Come dressed in your PE kit on these days.
Home Learning
We will be continuing to do home learning through Google Classroom. This year we are focusing on our basic skills. As always we would like you to continue to work on your reading, making sure you are reading aloud to an adult as often as possible to ensure you gain fluency and expression with your reading.
The KIRFs (key instant recall facts) for maths will be posted on Google Classroom, each half term. This is a focus area for you to work on that half term. Please continue to work hard to learn all your times tables. You are expected to know all your times tables through to 12x12 by the end of Year 4.
For information about our daily routine and learning timetable, please see the links to the right.
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