Term One in Year 4

We had a great autumn term in Year 4.  We started off the new school year with lots of P.E. sessions, both in and out of school.  All of Year 4 (including grown-ups) could be seen running around the park in September practicing for upcoming cross country events.  In the first half term there was also a football tournament, at which children in Year 4 represented the school.  On Wednesday mornings the class travelled to the pool in Skipton to improve their swimming abilities.

In science with Mrs Patrick the class first learnt about animals and food webs etc; then moved onto investigating states of matter in the second half term.  Our topic work during most of the autumn term focused on remembering and commemorating the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War.  It was fascinating to find out about the many personal stories the children had discovered through talking to their own families.  Years 3 and 4 also visited the Royal Armouries in Leeds to learn more about the conflict.  Pieces of art were created for exhibition in the school reception and hall.  Then finally, on Remembrance Day a poppy art installation (which many children had helped to create) was unveiled at school and a permanent reminder of the sacrifice made by so many.

In English and Maths the class adjusted to the challenges of a new curriculum and the changes were explained to parents at consultation evenings.  Following the Fallen Fields topic Years 3 and 4 embarked on a series of adventures in the surrounding countryside as part of the next topic, Misty Mountains.  These outdoor learning opportunities were thoroughly enjoyed by the children and much was learnt about the environment on their doorstep.

Finally, in the run up to Christmas we reminded ourselves of the Christmas story and the roles played by the angels and kings.  In addition we learnt about the symbolic meaning of the Christingle in preparation for the annual Christingle service at St Thomas' Church.  It was certainly a very busy but enjoyable first term, we look forward to 2015!