Towers, Tunnels & Turrets

Curriculum Focus Design & Technology
English Recounts; Reported Speech; Narrative; Letters; Posters
D&T Making Models of Towers; Bridges & Tunnels
Art & Design Sculpture Using Natural Materials
Computing Create Castles using Drawing Software
Geography Amazing Structures around the World; Towers & Bridges in the Local Area
History Castles & Castle Life; Significant Individuals - Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Maths Measures (Height)
PE Defend & Attack Games; Balance & Coordination
PSHCE Dilemmas
Science Living Things and their Habitats

See the castle ahead? Get ready to invade its mighty walls! Shoot a projectile with an archers aim! Head across the drawbridge, over the moat and up to the top of the tower...

Meet Rapunzel who lives in a tall, tall tower. Let's build a brand new one … Whose is the tallest? Can you measure it?

Then dig deep, deep down making burrows and tunnels just like the animals that live underground.

What’s that sound? I hear little hooves going trip, trap, trip, trap, over the rickety bridge. Watch out for the angry troll underneath… He likes to gobble up little girls and boys! Make sure your bridge is sturdy enough to take the weight and get us safely to the other side.

And finally… meet three little pigs who need your help to build a strong fortress. Inside its strong walls they’ll be safe from the big, bad wolf!

No huffing and puffing will blow your fortress down!