Happy and Glorious School Garden Party - May 16

Last week Mrs Beetles went to a Buckingham Place Garden Party and on 24 May we held our own Garden Party in the warm sunshine of Sutton. Having ‘RSVP'd’ their personal invitations, children and staff put on their glad rags and ‘dressed up to the nines’ for the event.

The afternoon started with a visit to Church where Rev Helen reminded everyone that the Queen is the Head of the Church of England. We all stood and sang the National Anthem before everyone went back to school for an extended playtime. After play, tea parties were held in each class whilst two of our Governors, Mrs Dickinson and Mr Kirby, judged the home learning from last week awarding lots of certificates of ‘outstanding ness.’ There was loads of wonderful creativity on show from cups and saucers for the Queen to drink her tea from, miniature gardens, crowns and hats and even new knickers for her Majesty. Then there was cake, loads of cakes—all shapes and sizes—all fit for the Queen and all fitted into tummies! We had a wonderful afternoon in school.