Merry Christmas

Sutton Community Primary School had fantastic and busy final week of Christmas celebrations to round off our Autumn term.

On Wednesday we were all treated to a delicious Christmas Lunch from our wonderful Kitchen Team. This was followed by a magical Christingle service at St Thomas's Church where the children sang beautifully and learned about the symbolic Christingle. Thank you to the parents who gave up their time on Tuesday morning to come and help us make 210 Christingles in preparation for our celebration. It always feels like a mammoth task but is made so much easier with a few more hands on deck!

On Thursday, KS2 children took part in their Carol Concert at St Thomas's where each class sang Christmas songs for the congregation and the children told the Chistmas story. A big thank you to all the parents who came to support the events.

Merry Christmas from all at Sutton Community Primary School.