If your child requires medication in school you need to give us your consent to administer it. Please read the information below before completing the attached form and returning to school.
This document should be read in conjunction with the school Medical Policy which can be found here.
Administration of Prescribed Medication at School
Wherever possible we allow pupils to carry their own medicines and relevant devices and where CYP self-administer we will provide supervision as appropriate
- We will only administer medication at school when it is essential to do so and where not to do so would be detrimental to a CYPs health.
- We will only accept medication that has been prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse prescriber or pharmacist prescriber.
- We will not give Aspirin to any CYP under 16 unless it is prescribed
- We only give medication when we have written parental permission to do so. Where appropriate, CYP are encouraged to carry and administer their own medication with a spare being kept in the school office.
- Medication not carried by CYP is stored in the school office.
- School will require two asthma inhalers. One will be kept in the classroom and one in the school office.
- Controlled drugs are stored in the school office
- CYP who do not carry and administer their own medication know where it is stored and how to readily access it.
Administration of Non Prescribed Medication in School
Non-prescribed medication can only be administered in a school/setting where it is absolutely essential to the CYP’s health and where it cannot be taken out of the schools/settings hours.
- When non-prescribed medicine is administered it must have prior written parental consent form and a record of administration form must be kept.
- The school treats the non-prescribed medication the same as if it were prescribed i.e. checking the packaging, expiry date, dosage, administration instructions, correct storage etc.
- Non – prescribed medication should be provided by the parents. Schools/setting should not routinely hold their own stocks of medication.