Home Learning in Year 6

Home Learning in Year 6 follows a simple format.

Our focus in Home Learning is to supplement the learning being done in lessons and to prepare our children for the forthcoming SAT tests in May 2024.

Home Learning tasks are primarily shared on the class Google Classroom and are updated weekly. All children can independently log into this on devices from home to access their home learning. Some tasks may also be set on Purple Mash and explicit links and instructions will make it clear where to find the tasks. Should pupils be unable to access Google Classroom, paper copies of the home learning will be made available.

Home learning will usually include:

Spellings - These include a set of spellings to be learned every week plus weekly spellings following spelling patterns. Your child will bring home their spellings on paper and links to practices, quizzes, games and tests can be found weekly on Google Classroom. Spellings and their patterns will also be taught in lessons each day.

Reading - Our children are given time to read for pleasure for 20 minutes every day in school. This ensure our pupils maintain and improve their reading speed, fluency and prosody (use of expression and intonation) and are exposed to a range of reading materials. Children are encouraged to read at home wherever they can to build their independent love of reading.

Times Tables - Every child in Year 6 has set times tables which they can practise online via Times Tables Rockstars. Each child has his/her own login details and the website can also be accessed via Google Classroom. TTR is a fun way to practise, test and improve their recall and mastery of times tables and their related division facts. 

Other - In Year 6, we believe that our pupils should work to the best of their ability in lessons and that time out of school is to pursue their hobbies and other actvities. However, every now and again, pupils will also be encouraged to complete short activities which will help them to revise their learning done in class, especially in the run-up to the SAT tests. This could include completing grammar activities on Purple Mash or answering maths questions for example. Expectations and instructions will be made clear via Google Classroom.

Whilst home learning in Year 6 is manageable and minimal, additional home learning will be given in the second half of the Summer Term (once the SAT tests have been completed) to prepare children for the volume of home work and the expectations around this once they transition to their secondary schools.