Blood Heart

Curriculum focus Science
English Non Chronological Reports; Shape Poetry; Slogans and Adverts; Biography; Narrative using Personification
Science Human Circulatory System; Measuing Heart Rate; History of Blood Groups; Lifestyle Effects; Working Scientifically
Art & Design Modelling & Sculpture; Abstract Art
Computing Using Websites: Flow Diagrams
D&T Selecting Tools & Equipment; Healthy Recipes; Product Packaging; Working Models
Maths Pie Charts
Music Pulse; Heart Raps
PE Cardiovascular Exercise
PSHCE Harmful Substances; Caring About Others

Crimson, scarlet, burgundy, cherry … blood flows through our bodies in all its vibrant shades of red. Let’s explore our circulation system! Now surgeons, don’t be squeamish as we dissect an animal heart and examine the veins, arteries and chambers  up close. They all work hard to move blood around our bodies.

William Harvey was fascinated with anatomy and made ground-breaking discoveries about valves. I wonder what we might uncover?

Let’s check out the most common blood groups in our class? Why do people give blood?

Find out how to keep your heart happy with cardio vascular exercise and healthy food. Kick start a campaign to spread the word about the damage caused by smoking to the lungs and heart.

Hearts pound, flutter and maybe skip a beat … What makes your heart race? Is it a secret? Cross my heart, I won’t tell!