Simply Magical Science Week - Oct 19

The children (and staff)  have had a fantastic time this week doing lots of food related science. Mrs Fletcher started the week with an amazing assembly where she ’magically’ turned a range of clear liquids into different colours! The wonder continued with a visit from the Royal Institution and two great shows which wowed and fascinated us all.  This was followed by  a whole load of  incredible (largely edible) investigations in class which we have all shared with each other in an assembly.  The range of activities and excitement they have generated around school have been wonderful.

We’ve had eggs in vinegar, bouncing fruit, fizzing pop, colourful sweets, chocolatey hands, churned butter and tested fats. Our week started with the question: Is Science the same as magic? - it has certainly been a science filled magical week. We’ve come to the conclusion that whilst it may not be actual magic it  most certainly is  a magical opportunity to ponder great questions!

If you want to do some science at home the children are  now brimming full of ideas of things they would like to try out and if you want more to try check out the Royal Institution website which has lots more suggestions.

If you do any science at home please take a picture and send it in with your child or email it to We’d love to hear what you get up to and we have a display board waiting to be filled!